Outreach Support: Prevention of family breakdown

Problem / Referral Request:
YP has challenging behaviours beyond parental control, family require interventions and support to help manage the behaviours and stabilise the family environment. The family requested support and the local authority approved support to prevent family breakdown and risking the young person being put into care. Parents received verbal and physical abuse from the YP on a daily basis.

Support workers initially stayed in the house in the evening when parents and YP were home until the morning, the support worker stayed overnight in the family home. Specialist family intervention programme was initiated whereby the support worker provided effective listening, coping strategies, distraction techniques for the family and stimulus for the YP to exert their energy. The specialist family support worker also encouraged the YP to engage in meaningful activity and encouraged ETE engagement. Over a period of 6 months support reduced with a phased approach to enhance the family’s independence in managing the behaviours.

Through the intensive interventions provided the YP gained insight into their behaviours and was given alternative coping strategies which resulted in lower frequency incidents. The parents were empowered to effectively manage the YP’s behaviours with confidence and assurance that they were doing so in the best interests of the family relationship. Support was successfully withdrawn from the family and the dynamics of the family were strengthened through the interventions that were input. As a result of the interventions provided the YP was not placed in care and remained in the family home.

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Outreach Support: Bridging support